Bench With a History

I made this bench to take out to the land where I got the cedar originally. I wanted to put it in a clump of yaupon near a bird feeder so I could have a semi-concealed place to sit and wait for birds. I was just getting interested in photographing birds at the time. This first picture is just after I assembled it.


This picture is the same bench just outside of my shop after a coat of waterproofing.


Here is the same bench sitting with the clump of yaupon burned away and all it got was singed legs


Same bench after 4 years of Central Texas sun, rain, fire, etc. It has been outside since it was new and it looks like this partly because of procrastination on my part of not doing anything and partly to see how it would hold up. It is inside my shop now for renewal. The wood has some small cracks but is sound.

